Artists are born, not made
As a child, I had a lot of freedom and an unrestrained desire to create something every day. Whether it was drawing, gluing different materials together or creating sculptures, I could do it for hours. My dolls, my mum's curtains, lots of things were sacrificed! I experimented with different materials.
At an older age, my love for classical literature began to influence my creativity.
I got my talent from my great-grandmother, who belonged to a high Polish family and was an artist. This talent formed the basis of shaping my personality.
Years spent at the children's art school gave me the opportunity to discover the history of world fine arts and the beauty of arts and crafts. I was amazed by the variety of shapes and colours. I spent a lot of time drawing. I tried watercolours, oil, acrylic. I also liked to work with metal.
The art of the period of flourishing of Byzantine, the history of icon painting and, of course, the greatest masterpieces of the Renaissance formed my stylistic preferences.
Art is a bridge between the spiritual and material worlds, so it is essential for me not to forget about its role in the development of mankind and to fill my works, including jewellery, with the special meaning of creation and love!
In fact, there is a lot of symbolism in my collections.
Most of them include crosses, as a tribute to the spiritual side of a person.
I use the heart as a symbol of love.
The most important role for me is played by colour. As it is known, each colour carries not only visual load, but also a semantic one. I try to express it with a rich palette of jewellery hot enamel and the beauty of semi-precious stones. These are bright colours of love and luxury in jewellery, as well as colours symbolizing harmony, peace and joy.
VARVARA is a brand about women and for women. About women's depth and wisdom, beauty, about the mission to give new life, fulfilling the most important purpose of preserving and continuing traditions.
I believe that my brand is my reflection.
The creative process for me is absolute magic, which is a major part of my life. And the most important thing in it for me is to preserve the best jewellery traditions and artistic heritage in general.
Looking a few steps ahead
Today's market is looking for quick solutions, but I believe that anything of high quality is not quick, but long-lasting.
For a long period of time I have been developing the concept of my brand. I wanted to my love and gratitude for the beauty of this world in it and to pass these values to people through my products.
The choice of the luxury segment was not accidental.
I have ten years of experience as an enameller and designer for the best Swiss watch brands. This has already set the bar, because a commitment to impeccable quality encourages you to create a unique product with a high production cost.
But I decided to go a little further. It was obvious to me to create a line of niche perfumes, which I am currently working on. My belief is that a good brand should reveal beauty through all sense organs.
Fragrances are as much a natural treasure as precious metals and gems. All of this is very interconnected. A perfumer works like a painter, creating his picture of a fragrance, but we can hear it through our sense of smell, not see it with our eyes. It provides a huge field for imagination. Every woman can smell something different.
To summarize, I have a lot to say to women through my brand's products and I am really hopeful that it will be fascinating.